Throughout the year, organizations and corporations come to us to write and produce song parodies which they plan to use during a group event. How do we come up with Corporate Song Parodies? Well, there are a few variables. For example, sometimes the client already has a song in mind and maybe even some lyrics. But even if they’ve chosen the song, it’s best to leave the lyrics to us. Over the years we’ve produced a zillion song parodies. Okay maybe not a zillion, but you get the idea. I’m always tasked with writing the lyrics, or in the case of song parodies, re-writing the lyrics, which ain’t as easy as it sounds. I mean, you still want the parody to sound good, right? So you gotta make sure the new lyrics are singable and the vocalist has a good ear for imitation.
Once we know what song we’re going to use, we get as much information as possible from the client about whoever or whatever the parody is going to be about. Then we take the finished lyrics into the studio where we either create the music ourselves or use a well produced karaoke track (as long as our client isn’t planning on using the parody as a marketing tool). Once we have the instrumental, it’s time to zone in on the vocals. Our producer combs through the actual song, learning the singer’s idiosyncrasies. Based on that information, he selects one of our singers that seems to fit the song best. At this point we record the lead vocal track, while constantly referencing the lead vocal of the original song. Finally, we attack the background vocals the same way. We do the final mix…and Boom! Off to the client it goes for approval. In most cases they ask us to produce a video or slide show to go with it. While an intense process, it can be really satisfying. So, next time you need a Corporate Song Parody, who you gonna call? Creative Mills, that’s who.