Hear Here!

Let’s get something straight.  There are no smoke and mirrors here at Creative Mills.  When you go to www.creativemills.com and see and hear our world class Jingles, Voiceovers, Radio/TV Spots and Music…you’re getting Creative Mills “Uncensored”.  It’s exactly what you (our client) get when you hire us.  I bring this up because recently we’ve been getting a lot of very “genre specific” Music requests.  As in: “We’re looking for a jingle with mandolin, marching band drums, a group of puppies barking, and Tall Singers….have you guys done something like that?  If you have, could you send it over so we can play it for our client?”   Uhhhh…well, no…we haven’t done anything remotely like that. But, we can absolutely do that for you and knock it out of the park!  Look. We’re Composers.  We’re Composing here.  We’ve Composed!  We’ve spent our entire adult lives as  professional musicians/composers/producers.  We know how to get it done.  By the way, we also haven’t done a jingle featuring Aeolian Harp, Gravikord, with Swedish Financial Planners on vocals.  But we could.  After all, our job is to help  you and your business succeed.  If you don’t succeed, WE don’t succeed.  The message here is this:  You reach a certain point as a professional producer, writer, musician, and voice talent where you develop an extremely “high end” track record.  And that track record speaks for itself.  So check out our stuff, talk with our client references, and trust your gut.  What you see and hear IS what you get. 

We Just Moved On.

Jingles. Your Secret Weapon.