We work with a lot of clients that are new to the whole Jingle process, and it’s it our job to educate them in the most streamlined fashion possible. That’s our mandate. Because if we’re creating a kickass Jingle for them we simply can’t do it alone. Sure, we’ll do most of the heavy lifting, but we need our clients to bring special insight about their business to the party. Then. . . we need our clients to Trust Us. Two words that are the keystone to success in our business. Trust Us…then understand that You’re. In. Good. Hands. With. Us.
And there it is. The single most important benefit of hiring Creative Mills to. . . out of thin air. . . write, produce, and execute a killer jingle that will get in your clients’ heads and stay there. Because you better believe that during the process of us working together on your new jingle, there will be multiple times when you will be asked to listen to and evaluate our work. And there will be multiple times when you will say “I don’t know.” Or “I’m not sure.” Which is totally understandable considering 99% of you have never written, produced, executed and launched a brand new jingle package. But that’s where the Trust comes in. Trust in a company that’s been making a living writing and producing music for Radio, TV, Film, and now the web for over 25 years. We will tell you when we have the melody, voices and lyrics just right. Now you may disagree…and that’s totally cool. But one of us has an enormously successful track record in this business and one of us doesn’t. So the wise thing to do at that point is…Trust Us. THAT is the Holy Grail of “How to hire a jingle company to knock it out of the park”, and we just gave it to you. For free. You’re welcome. You’re in good hands with Creative Mills.