You Just Need Three
Ahhh…so many companies. So many products to sell. So many advertising and media choices. It’s enough to make one’s head explode! So here’s a sure fire way to simplify the whole deal: Let’s assume you want to create an effective 30 second TV, Radio or Web spot. Maybe you want to produce all three. A lot of clients will come to us with an absolute laundry list of “items” that they really want to include in the various scripts. Oh boy. Thing is, your average viewer/listener (including me) will not process and remember more than 3 important selling points during the course of a 30 second commercial. There are a few exceptions to this rule, but not many. So when we have a client fill out our production prep sheet, we ask them to give us a maximum of three (3) important selling points to be included in their commercial. This way, instead of ending up with a commercial that features a talking head endlessly rattling off prices and factoids (you’ve heard these ads), we can come up with something that pulls the listener/viewer in using a conversational approach, maybe some clever dialogue or a Jingle “Sing In”. There are a whole lot of ways to make a commercial compelling…as long as we’re not bogged down with endless copy point lists. So remember: Use no more than three (3) selling points. We call them The Big Three.