Write What You Mean.

At some point you’ve probably read, heard, or seen many “marketing  experts” say something to the effect of “…these words are over used!  They don’t mean anything!  Everybody is saying this!  Stop using these words in your ads!”  To which I say:  All True.  Kind of.  But the intent, the meanings of these specific words have great value by themselves.  The trick is how to get that meaning across in a creative, exciting, MEMORABLE way.  You WANT to communicate that what you’re selling has depth, value, sustainability (QUALITY).  You WANT to communicate that what you’re selling is supported by honest to goodness, real life human interaction, help when needed (SERVICE).  You WANT to communicate that what you’re selling is available at a variety of prices, or in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors (SELECTION).  The trick is doing it in a fresh, ear-grabbing way, which is challenging. That’s why Jingles can be so useful…you can get that message across more easily with some snappy, creative lyrics and a great musical hook.  If everybody could write great commercial scripts, everybody would be doing it.  It takes years of reps.  Stay away from worn out catch phrases.  Instead….write what you mean.  Literally.      



Everyone Take a Deep Breath.


You Just Need Three